CS:GO/CS2 Mouse Wheel Jump Bind on Scroll

This CS2 Mouse Wheel Jump Bind makes you jump every time your mouse wheel is scrolled up or down.

Having jump bound to your scroll wheel makes it easier to bunny-hop (B-Hop), as you can scroll your wheel faster and easier than pressing the space bar.

However, with this bind, you won't lose your ability to jump with the space key. It binds jump to the space bar, mouse wheel up, and mouse wheel down.

See Related Binds and Variations

bind "mwheelup" "+jump"; bind "mwheeldown" "+jump"; bind "space" "+jump";

Related Binds

CS:GO/CS2 Bind Jump to Scroll Wheel Only (No Space Bar)

This will only bind jump to your mouse wheel (both up and down). Your space key will no longer make you jump.

bind "mwheelup" "+jump"; bind "mwheeldown" "+jump";

CS:GO/CS2 Bind Jump to Mouse Wheel Up Only

This only binds jump to mouse wheel scroll up.

bind "mwheelup" "+jump";

CS:GO/CS2 Bind Jump to Mouse Wheel Down Only

This only binds jump to mouse wheel scroll down.

bind "mwheeldown" "+jump";